Sorry, had to do that.
Couple of fun facts. First, it appears that he was never given a middle name. I guess when you grow up in a large family in a house of sod in the middle of North Dakota you do without niceties like middle names. But Larry made up for this lack of name by choosing a spouse with a totally cool name. Fern Renner. I'm always impressed by cool names (obviously I impress easily) and Fern Renner is one cool name. Just rolls off the tongue.
Anyway, her name reminds me of a former Cleveland Browns player named Fair Hooker who played (guessing here) late sixties, early seventies. I remember watching football on TV as a kid and rooting for the Browns ONLY because they had a receiver with such a cool name like Fair Hooker. Fern Renner and Fair Hooker. Couple of cool names there.
So join us tomorrow night (Wednesday, March 11) and enjoy our Sparkling Wine discounts. And if your name happens to be Fern Renner or Fair Hooker, your dinner is on us.

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