Yes, it's the second annual Phoenix Sweet Sixteen Promotion where your basketball knowledge (and luck) can win you free gift certificates to The Phoenix.
Here is how it works:
1. You print out the bracket (link at end of post) and write in your picks for each game.
2. Fax the form to The Phoenix at 513-721-8901 OR if you can scan your selection you can email it to The Phoenix to Kent at
3. You are awarded points for each correct "pick" you make. These point levels are indicated on the form.
4. You can earn bonus points by dining with us as much as you like between now and April 6. You will earn 25 points for each dining visit, provided you spend at least $50 per visit.
5. The maximum score you can attain by picking the games is 150 points. The gift certificates are awarded at the following point levels attained.
120 Points = 1 $50 Gift Certificate
150 Points = 2 $50 Gift Certificates
170 Points = 3 $50 Gift Certificates (You will need to dine with us at least once before April 6 to get to this level) 6. There is no cost to participate and you can forward this to whoever you wish.
7. We must receive the completed forms prior to the first game tipoff this Thursday.
8. If you have questions, call The Phoenix or put them in the comments and we'll respond.
9. You can access the bracket by clicking
here. It is also downloadable from our website on the Newsletter page.
10. Good Luck to all.